2021 - LE CASE DEL MALCONTENTO ESCE IN Corea del Sud per minumsa

2024 - LE CASE DEL MALCONTENTO ESCE in germania, austria e svizzera PER kein & aber
2026 - LE CASE DEL MALCONTENTO ESCE negli stati uniti e canada per europa editions

2021 - LE CASE DEL MALCONTENTO ESCE IN CINA PER Beijing Creative Art Times

2024 - VILLA DEL SEMINARIO ESCE negli stati uniti, canada, uk, australia per europa editions e europa editions uk
2025 - uscita prevista in repubblica ceca per prostor
From the best-selling author of Nives, a story of love, redemption, and resistance set in Italy during WWII
Maremma, Tuscany, November 1943. Le Case is a village far from everything. Seen from there, even the war looks different; mostly waiting, prayers, poverty. As a fierce winter looms, an order is issued to arrest all Jews and detained them in the bishop's villa, awaiting deportation.
René is the town's shoemaker. Everyone calls him Settebello, “lucky seven,” a nickname he got at a young age after losing three fingers on a lathe. Now he's fifty years old. Shy, solitary, taciturn. No family or acquaintances—except for Anna, a lifelong friend who could have been something more. René never had the courage to declare his feelings. In fact, he never had the courage to do anything. His days are always the same: home and work, keep a straight path.
When Anna’s son Edoardo, who had secretly joined the Resitance, is captured and shot by the Wehrmacht, the woman vows to continue his mission. One evening she disappears, leaving René a note with a few instructions. When news spreads that a group of rebels have fallen into an ambush and are locked up in the bishop’s villa, and that among them there’s a woman, Settebello can no longer just watch.
Masterfully weaving together personal and historical narratives, Naspini captures the essence of a community navigating the horrors of war. Inspired by real events, The Bishop’s Villa is a poignant reflection on the power of memory and the capacity of the human spirit to resist even in the darkest of times.

2022 - NIVES ESCE IN AMERICA E uk PER Europa Editions e europa editions uk
2022 - uscita IN Croazia per profil
2022 - uscita IN Germania, austria, svizzera per kein & aber
2023 - uscita in Egitto per al-karma, con distribuzione in tutti gli stati arabi
2023 - uscita in repubblica ceca per prostor2024 - uscita in Slovacchia per inaque
2025 - uscita in francia per actes sud
2025 - uscita in olanda per cossee
2025 - uscita IN SPAGNA E CATALOGNA PER ACANTILADO, con distribuzione in Argentina, Messico, Cile, Perù, Colombia, Repubblica Dominicana, Costa Rica, Uruguay


What would you do if one day you found out the person who raised you is a monster?
Laura disappeared into thin air in 1999, at eight years old. She was found in a metal container, fourteen years later.
Luca is having dinner with his father dinner when they are interrupted by a visit from the carabinieri, who take his father away. Luca can only watch the scene unfold, helpless. The charges brought against esteemed anthropologist Carlo Maria Balestri are extremely grave: multiple counts of abduction, torture, murder, and concealing his victims’ bodies.
What would you do if one day you found out that the person who raised you was a monster? Oxygen is a story of the aftermath of such evil. Balestri’s capture does not end the hell he created. The professor’s perverse experiment continues: he may no longer be able to imprison children in iron boxes, but the legacy of his crimes still reverberates through the lives of all those close to him and his victims. The question that continues to ring out is: who locked up who?
“A disorienting, claustrophobic novel about evil.”
La Repubblica
“Naspini realizes a brilliant idea with the enthusiasm of the true narrator, an idea that will spellbind you, and knock you sideways.”
La Stampa

2023 - ossigeno esce in francia PER actes sud
Luca a vingt-sept ans lorsqu’il découvre que son père est un monstre qui a séquestré et causé la mort de plusieurs petites filles dont une seule a survécu. Pour lui comme pour Laura, libérée au terme de quatorze années passées dans un container, comment se réapproprier un destin confisqué ?
Mars, 2023
11.50 x 21.70 cm
224 pages
Trad. : Jean-Luc DEFROMONT
ISBN : 978-2-330-17199-5
Prix indicatif : 22.50€
Son écriture sobre et sensible restitue parfaitement la complexité du personnage et interroge, à travers le cas extrême de la séquestration, la liberté et ses limites – qu’elles soient physiques, ou, ici, psychologiques.
Juliette Vienot de Vaublanc, LE MONDE DES LIVRES

2023 - ossigeno esce in RUSSIA PER SINDBAD
Восьмилетняя Лаура пропала в августе 1999 года. Все усилия по поиску девочки оказались тщетными — она исчезла без следа. Нашли ее только через четырнадцать лет. Все эти годы она провела в контейнере на задворках частного дома, в ошейнике, на цепи…
По обвинению в этом и ряде других похищений и убийств арестован Карло Мария Балестри — профессор местного университета,
заслуженный, всеми уважаемый ученый-антрополог. Сын профессора Лука в поисках ответов на сводящие его с ума вопросы пытается установить контакт с Лаурой...